Friday, February 23, 2018

The Magical Homebirth of Water Baby

This is the story of the homebirth of our 3rd precious baby, who we have lovingly nicknamed Water Baby.

I had just gotten over a terrible sickness. While I was sick, I was praying (to God) and asking baby to just stay in 2 more weeks. I needed to fully recover before I could imagine birth. I had been coughing for weeks and my abs and ribs were so sore. My whole body was still recovering and I just could not imagine how labor would go if I was still feeling this ill.

At 40 weeks, I was feeling much better and I began preparing myself, and my house, for labor. Nature Baby came earlier than my first at 40 weeks and 6 days, so I thought possibly this baby could come even earlier, closer to 40 weeks. My midwife and friends had just given me a beautiful blessingway. I was starting to really get ready to meet this baby! We chose not to find out the sex of our newest duckling so I was so excited to find out who this little baby was! We decided to bake a BIRTHday cake as we awaited his/her arrival. Once I was feeling better and ready to have the baby, I was ready. I had spent weeks asking baby to please stay in just a little longer, and now I wanted baby out! I intentionally told baby it was safe to join us now, we were ready!

Prodromal labor. Prodromal labor is really not fun, to understate it completely. Every single night for 8 days, I woke up at 3 am. In labor. I would wake my husband and ask him to time contractions for me. Like clock work, by the time his alarm clock was going off, my contractions stopped. He'd ask, "Are you sure you're not in labor? Is it safe for me to go to work?" Every single night. I finally stopped waking him up. I'd wake up with contractions, 3 am, stare at the clock until 5 when his alarm went off. He'd get up and ask me if I was in labor. I'd pout that I wasn't and he'd get ready for work. 8 days. I complained to my midwife about it and she assured me that I would indeed have a baby. At some point. No one has ever been pregnant forever. I knew that all this "practice" was giving my uterus a good workout and joked about having the Jillian Michaels of uteruses (uteri?). I reminded baby that it was safe to come now and we were so ready to meet him/her. Big sister would lay her head on my belly and whisper to baby, inviting him/her into our world.

The cake was now a week old, so we threw it out and made a fresh one. I also decided to make chocolate covered strawberries. I told myself, if I wake up not in labor again tomorrow morning, at least I can lie in bed and eat chocolate covered strawberries. 41 weeks. I went to bed anxious about meeting our new duckling and thinking maybe tomorrow would be the day. I'd be 41 and 1. The same time I had Lovey.

I woke up uncomfortable. Ugh, my back, I have to get up and move. I went to the bathroom and then decided to get a snack. In the kitchen, I realized very quickly that this was the real deal! I wanted to make coffee and get snacks set up for the birth team and get out all the ingredients for the kids to make frosting to finish the birthday cake. I was super annoyed because I had a list of things to get through and my body was doing its own work with no regard to my list. My contractions were making me double over and lean over the counter. Time to call the midwife. I called my midwife and told her I was for sure in labor. I didn't bother telling her how far along in labor I knew I already was... I happily but quietly exclaimed, "Hey! I'm in labor!" It was 5 something a.m. and I knew she was just waking up to my call and I didn't want to startle her. (I know she does this for a living, but I'm the kind of person who thinks about these things.) I decided to get in the shower to help with the waves. After my shower, I moved to my bedroom and tried to help my husband get the bed set up with plastic sheeting and (old) sheets.

I was rocking back and forth on the birth ball and knew things were moving along very quickly. I told my husband that we needed to call and update our midwife because the baby was coming soon. Just as he was reaching for the phone, he heard the front door open. He quietly whispered, "She's here." At some point, I crawled onto the bed. I needed to move and my back was telling me it needed to change positions. Becca walked in and placed her hand on my lower back and said, "Oh yeah. This baby is coming." I knew exactly what she was feeling for. When baby is nearing birth, the coccyx moves (flares out) to allow more room for baby to move down and out. I asked her to check my cervix because I wanted to see if baby was as close as I felt. 8. 8 centimeters. Yep, this baby is coming. Soon. Becca asked me if I was ready for the birth pool to be set up and I told her I was. At some point my friend arrived to photograph the birth and my husband was busy trying to get a hold of our babysitter. She wasn't answering. He came into the room and said, very calmly, "She's not answering, we need a backup." "Call Rachel!" I said. "I did. She didn't answer." At this point, I was not concerned with making decisions about baby sitters. I told him to decide and "hurry!" I'm busy making circles in the bed like a mama cat in labor. A few minutes later he's back and I've forgotten about everything but getting this baby in my arms. My friend Courtney (a former doula) asks how I'm doing. I look at her like she's asking me this on a random monday, and answer, "I'm good!" I was good. I was so at peace! Everything felt right. And good. And safe. I felt completely supported and completely free. During a wave, Courtney motioned to Jonathan to put his hand on my back. "She told me not to touch her." He says because he knows. I don't like attention in labor. I need to be free, in my space, just me and baby working our way through these waves, down and out. Becca and Carissa (student midwife) are hurriedly setting up the pool and trying to get it filled. I'm making circles in the bed, blowing air, trying not to push just yet. I'm happy to just be there. Blowing air out, baby moving down and out.

There is talk about the water being cold. Apparently the hose was set up on the wrong pipe (we hooked the hose to the washing machine pipe because it was closest to our room), the hot and cold were mislabeled and the pool was filling with cold water. Carissa starts boiling pots of water to add to the pool. Courtney asks me if I'm trying not to push. She whispers something to Becca about me needing to push. Becca is doing everything she can to get the pool warm enough for me to get in. Finally, they tell me I can get in now. It is cooooold. Not cold cold, but not bath water. I huddle in the corner that Carissa is pouring the hot water into. After a few pots, the water is warm. I work my way around the pool moving as my body tells me to. I ask for someone to go wake Lovey since she wanted to be in the room for the birth. Jonathan tries to wake her but she says she's too sleepy and stays in bed. Someone puts a warm towel over my back and I remember it feeling magical. The perfect amount of heat and weight and counter pressure. I suddenly feel the urge to push. Becca looks in my eyes with that knowing look and nods as I push. I feel baby kick down, moving down and out. I push and feel baby's head. I breathe through and push baby out. Into the water. I was on hands and knees so baby is behind me. I lift baby up to my chest. I'm in awe. It was all together the most magical experience and I am at peace.

Courtney asks, "What is it?!" Suddenly remembering that we don't know the sex of the baby, I think I don't know! I don't even care! My baby! Lovey asked to be the one to check the baby's bottom and tell us if baby is a brother or a sister. Jonathan quickly goes to wake her and she comes in (in awe I'm sure that a baby was born while she was sleeping). I move my hand from baby's bottom and she says, "Boy!" I'm so happy to have this precious boy in my arms and so in awe of the magic of birth.

Water baby was born at 8:46 am. 41 weeks and 1 day. 6lbs 14oz.

His face is so calm. I can't believe how at peace he is. No cries. Just looking into his mommy's eyes. Safe.

I decide to move to the bed to wait for the placenta. Jonathan and Becca help me from the pool into the bed while baby and I are still attached. I settle into bed and we chat while we wait for the placenta. Nature Baby wakes up and comes in to see his new brother. Jonathan tells me his mom left. I totally forgot about the babysitter situation. I panic for a minute and then he tells me that our babysitter was there and will be able to stay with the kids now. After the kids meet their new brother and the placenta is out, Carissa prepares the herbal bath. It feels so good to get into warm(er) water. Becca comes in while baby and I get settled in the bath and we chat about how amazing birth is. Jonathan makes me a sandwich (Grilled turkey and avocado) and I eat it in the bath with baby on my chest. Everything is magical. After our bath, Becca and Carissa do the newborn assesments. It is so amazing to be able to lie in your own bed, baby next to you, chatting with good friends who happen to be your care providers as well. We remember the cake! We eat cake and I remember the chocolate covered strawberries. Finally, they tuck us in to spend the rest of the day in our nest.

I can't imagine a better birth. It was the stuff dreams are made of. I was safe, supported, free, at peace. Everything was good and right. And magical.